Thursday, October 8, 2020

US election 2020FF: Trump ready to return to public events, says doctor

 Us President Donald Trump has completed his course of treatment for Covid-19 and can return to public engagements this weekend, his physician has said..

Dr Sean Conley said the president has responded 'extremely well' to medication and had remained stable.

Mr Trump earlier pulled out of next Thursday's TV debate with democratic rival Joe Biden after organisers said it would have to be a virtual event.

The move sparked a row about how and when further debates would take place.

In a memo released by the White House on thursday evening, Dr Conley said Mr Trump was displaying no signs to suggest progression of illness.

Saturday will be day 10 since(last) Thursday's diagnosis and based on the trajectory of advanced diagnostics the team has been conducting , I fully anticipate the president's safe return to public engagements at that time ,the memo added.

What about the presidential debates ? 

On Thursday , the commission Organizing the second Presidential debate in Miami on 15 october said it would have to take place remotely because Mr Trump had tested positive for corona virus.

In response , Mr Trump said he was not going to waste my time on a virtual debate.

At the moment it appears a debate could take place on 22 October , Although in what form remains to be seen.

The first presidential debate on 29 September had descended into insults and interruptions. The Vice-Presidential debate, held on Wednesday night between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, was a far more measured affair.

The US election will be held on 3 November , latest opinion polls suggest Mr Biden has a high single digit lead nationally, but the outcome is often decided in battleground states where the races can be much coser.


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